TCU Monnig Meteorite Gallery


Gallery Staff

Rhiannon MayneDr. Rhiannon Mayne

Curator of the Oscar E. Monnig Meteorite Collection and Gallery

Phone: 817-257-MARS (6277)
Fax: 817-257-7789



Dr. Mayne was born in the UK and, like many other children, dreamt of becoming an astronaut when ‘grown up.’ However, realism set in during her high school years – it did not seem sensible to launch someone into space who could get travel sick on a swing. Dr. Mayne abandoned her dreams of space and went to Edinburgh University to study Geology instead. While at Edinburgh, she listened to a talk from a visiting professor on meteorites and realized there was a career that could combine her love of rocks and space. She went on to get her Ph.D. from the University of Tennessee and spent a year working at the Smithsonian before joining TCU.

Dr. Rhiannon Mayne is currently also serving as the Interim Gallery Educator.