TCU Monnig Meteorite Gallery


Request A Loan

Before filling out the form below, please read the conditions below and check the Monnig Meteorite Database to ensure that the specimens you are requesting are available in the Collection for loan. You will need to sign in to the database as a Guest.

1) Samples on display in the Monnig Meteorite Gallery will only be loaned out in exceptional circumstances. Samples on display are identified in the database.

2) Photographs and weights are given for every meteorite in the Collection. If one particular piece of a meteorite is more suited to your study, please include, with justification, in your request. Each named meteorite has the same M number, e. M1 is the iron meteorite, Deport. However, if multiple pieces are present, they will each be identified by a sub-number. i.e. Deport M1.1 and M1.2 are individual pieces of the same meteorite.

3) Requests will be considered for two purposes:

Educational requests for teaching or for display at other museums and insitutions will be considered by the Curator. Teaching loans are short-term, for the time period of the class only, and display requests will be issued for 12 months, though renewal is possible on request.

Requests for research purposed can only be made by researchers at accredited, well-established institutions. In the case of graduate students, the research advisor is responsible for both the loan request and care of any sample loan that is issued. Loans will typically be issued for 6 months, though renewal is possible on request. We do request that copies of all publications (including theses, dissertations, and abstracts) resulting from research on meteorite from the Monnig Collection are provided to us electronically.

The form below initiates the loan process. If the material requested is confirmed by the Curator as available for loan, then you will be sent a request for more information.

Request a Loan

Request a Loan